Sunday, June 10, 2012


Hello world! I recently finished my first year in the classroom as a Teach for America corps member. I took this position to learn more about education and try to get some ideas for its improvement. This year, I developed more questions than answers. The biggest question, for me, is: how do we determine what comprises educational equity? We talk a lot about our students "attaining an excellent education" but what does that mean?

I recently finished reading Diane Ravitch's Death and Life of the Great American School System and am now engrossed in Jonathon Kozol's The Shame of the Nation. I know Ravitch to be a TFA-critic and it wouldn't surprise me to find out that Kozol felt the same way, but perhaps for different reasons. Both books have helped me refine my thinking and brought me back to the academic mindset I've missed since graduation. They've also served as my inspiration to start this blog.

I reserve the right to change any opinion I express on this page. I tend to use writing as a way to sort out my thoughts and welcome comments that encourage me to look at an issue from another angle. I hope you will engage with me on these issues. Happy reading!